Sunday, May 4, 2008

Help From You

So… You thought this was a just for missionary training, well we found out that we can use it to bribe our Sunday school kids to bring friends too. That’s right if our Sunday schools bring in a combined total of 50 first time visitors in the month of May, I will be eating something of questionable taste! Shhhhhhh… don’t tell them I do this all the time, that may ruin it.

Today out of both services we had 15 first time visitors. Praise God! As it stands now if we get 50 first time visitors I will be eating an entire tin of anchovies …ewww ….groooosssss! (Hey… I gotta keep my game face on)

My question for the few people who read this is…Can you think of something else? If you were a SS kid what would you consider the grossest food? Please I need your help!

Some boundaries – It has to be purchased at Wegman’s (No flying worms in from Africa ..OK Juliemom?), it also has to be food that is eaten by people. (No one besides Oscar the Grouch eats anchovy ice cream) and if it’s going to make me …you know…probably not a good idea for SS.

Some suggestions – Anchovies, Sardines, Gefilte Fish, Smoked Oysters, Pig’s Feet, Potted Meat, you know along those lines…

Let me know what you come up with.