I'm always happy when it's time to try some new, weird meat that has been hiding right under my nose for years and years. I found this delicacy right at the local Supermarket, I'll bet you can find it too.

It was tenth grade I think when my Social Studies teacher Mr. VanOrmer told us of his love for Scrapple. No one in the class had ever seen or heard of it, but he warned us that we would think of him when we did finally meet up with this strange meat. He was right, and I in honor of my tenth...and twelth (if memory serves) grade Social Studies teacher and in the name of questionable taste did find, buy, and eat Scrapple....

Scrapple come in a little brown loaf that you cut into slices, and fry on a hot griddle. When we asked Mr. VanOrmer what Scrapple was he replied that it was "
breakfast food made from every part of the pig, but the squeal." doesn't that sound delicious? Well...the actual ingredients sound even less appetizing.
Scrapple is - Pork Stock, Pork, Pork Skins, Corn Meal, Pork Livers, Wheat Flour, Pork Fat, Pork Hearts, Salt, and Spices...I wonder why they call it Scrapple...
Anyhow, I browned up a few slices if this stuff, and had it for dinner tonight. Cooking it was a challenge, because it is so soft that if you dont let it get crispy, it falls all apart. Once it finally got crispy (read that "almost burnt") you flip it and let it crisp up on the other side. It is crispy outside and mushy inside, and it taste like sausage flavored pork rinds. Now you may be saying yuck, but I actually liked it. I slapped it on a plate with some eggs, and hashbrowns, and then poured some warm maple syrup over the Scrapple.
All in all I liked it, but seriously Mr. VanOrmer...why eat Scrapple? Haven't you ever heard of Bacon!
Guess who got to clean the griddle...
ZThe pic has a glare so you can't really see the "s" in "Scrapple"- hmmm...
Ok, Shannon - next week I want you to serve Balut. It is a Filipino delicasy - ya see all ya do is take a 28 day old fertilized duck egg and and warm it ever so slightly. Then you crack off the top of the shell and sorta suck in the warm juicy critter. Chewy on the outside - gooey in the middle - pure delight! (havent had it yet but I am told it is a prerequisite to being a missionary there)(
Yeah, I've heard that they are delicious from other weird food blogs, but I'll take thier word on it. I'll try one when I come to visit you guys ; )
I think I'd rather have the squeal they left out.
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