In honor of my trip to NYC, we decided to have a go at Bagels and Lox. I was in the famous H&H Bagel and they have this nice poster showing a picture similar to what you see here except open-face so you can see the lox. I also went to Zaro’s and the guy behind me ordered a bagel and lox for breakfast. Though we are all familiar with the bagel, I would venture to guess that fewer of us know anything about lox. Lox is a salmon fillet that has cured in a mild brine, cold smoked, and sliced very thin. Who ever decided that this was breakfast food was a bit touched!
So on my way home from work I dropped by our NYC bagel place…ok Brueggers is as close as we got in Brockport. I got six nice everything bagels and a tub of cream cheese, I then headed to Wegmans and picked up some Nova Lox, an onion, and a tomato.
Once I got home I just began to build the sandwiches. I put cream cheese on both sides of a sliced bagel, and then layered it with thin slices of tomato and onion. I intentionally left the lox for last because I had no idea how bad they would smell. I then opened up the lox to find that they didn’t smell at all. I mean there was no fishy smell to them, they actually smelled good. I arranged them on the sandwiches and made my little bagel and lox sandwiches. Jen said what she always says “Do you really think anyone is going to eat that?” I can’t believe she still says that. Almost everything I’ve made has been eaten up. Notice I didn’t say enjoyed, but it was eaten.
Well after our Bible Study ended we got to try bagels and lox for the first time. Rachel V is usually the first to dive into any of my weird food, and this was no different. I barely took the plastic wrap off the tray and she had a sandwich in her hand. I didn’t get much reaction from these, but I think that was because they didn’t taste weird enough. I hardly knew I was eating cured fish. The sandwich was good, except it was very messy to eat. It was like as you took a bite the fish was swimming out the other side. You really had to hold it together to eat it. I would try these again, and plan to on my next trip to NYC, but I think it will be more of a lunch thing. Cured fish for breakfast has nothing on bacon and eggs.