Menudo is a delicious Mexican stew made with trip (cow’s stomach) hominy, and all sorts of spice in a tomato base…and that it entirely true except the “delicious” part.
Menudo is gross! Plain and simple! I found out later that it is used to cure hangovers, and that must be the only way to get someone to eat it. (*Note my fool proof hangover cure at the end of this review.)
I’ve never liked tripe, and every time I say that someone says “you’ve just not had it cooked right.” That’s hogwash! I’ve had it many times, in different ways, and each time it taste like a rubbery piece of unwashed gym sock. It’s disgusting, and I have no idea who though hominy would make it better. Hominy is dried corn that has been treated with lye-water. It’s hard little flavorless nuggets that really add only another bad texture to an already bad stew.
The only way you can get this stuff down is that the spices cover up the offensive flavors to some degree. I had a bowl of it because I had to, but this was probably the least enjoyed of all my foods of questionable taste. There was no question about it.
Avoid Menudo, both the 80’s boy band, and the stew, and you will do well.
Shannon’s Foolproof Hang-Over Prevention – Abstain from any beverage containing any amount of alcohol. This will work every time! I’ve got almost 7 years of personal experience, and I can say with all certainty that I have never had a hang-over from a night of not drinking : )
Question for you - why is there Oriental writing on the poster of the Mexican boy band? Were they big in China? :)
If I had an answer for that wouldn't that scare you more???
I agree with your hangover theory.
Makes perfect sense.
And did you know the guy in the yellow shirt in the back corner is Ricky Martin?
What can I say, I am a child of the 80s.
In one of my more shameful confessions, yes, I did know that was Ricky Martin.
Ha! I knew it! Did you find this picture on the web, or just scan in your own poster?
Good cure.
I, too have had menudo. Where I used to teach that's what the moms made and brought to the Christmas party, Cinco de Mayo, etc.
And, I stay away. Hominy should never have been invented.
well, if you didn't know it before, my maiden name is Chavez, and my father has been trying to convince me for all the years of my life that Menudo is delicious. I have been a terrible daughter on this account, and have never once tried it. Now, I am more glad than ever!
Has your group ever tried head cheese? By the way, it is not cheese!
dont be an idiot. Menudo was NOT a Mexican boy band, it was Puerto Rican
are you kidding me? menudo is one of the greatest tasting soups ever invented.
but what do i know, its not my fault you guys are white...
9 out of 10 menudo's I hate. but there's a few places out there where Its just so good it kills me. I know I know you said people say the same thing and you call bullshit. I said that too for years. I have found a few places where it's simply delicious. Incidentally I'm white
Hominy is delicious. I love menudo, but I've grown up eating it. Squeeze some lemon and soak up the soup with some corn tortillas if you don't like the meat.
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